Contacts - Page 2

    From:  John Workman

   Dated:  April 14, 2016

 Subject:  AFVN TV

I was AFVN TV Saigon late 1969-late 1970. I also recorded the "infamous" Bob Lawrence broadcast charging US Army with censorship. I know to be true as I had to edit all the CBS newscasts that came to the Saigon station to be re-broadcast and make copies sent to the detachment stations (7). If you are interested I have some of station, Bob Hope show at Tan Son Nhut airbase.
 John Workman|V.P. Engineering | WITI Fox 6

[NB:  There are a number of messages which followed this first contact from John Workman.

See John's Photos and Stories page.  Webmaster]

    From:  Nicole Teusch

   Dated:  September 8, 2016

 Subject:  Vietnam Footage Search

Hello Jim,

I am currently working on an independent documentary film called “Take me home huey”  As an archival researcher I am searching for specific footage of the Dustoff/Medivac and other Vietnam footage with the huey helicopters that we can license for our film.  On your website was a listing for a clip by Evan Morgan .  Would you happen to have any contact information for Evan?  I found other clips on you tube that he had posted that we would be interested in: Source: Youtube, Evan Morgan (no email) Freedom Hill Films 1992 Author Evan H. Morgan, Freedom Hill Films 1992 Title: DaNang dust off Home movie footage by a serviceman in Vietnam backed by period music and AFVN radio announcements.  Includes scenes of Army medivac operations by helicopters based in Da Nang

Would you be able to tell me how we could get access to the footage? We would like to get the best possible quality for our documentary film as well as need to contact the owner of the materials in order to create licensing agreements.  I would appreciate to hear if you have any other suggestions for similar materials.  Looking forward to hear from you.

Best regards,

Nicole Teusch

Archival researcher

    From:  Paul Kasper

   Dated:  October 11, 2016

 Subject: Contact:  Form Submission

If you wish if you want I can send them a few CD's for free and contact them
I am also a MVPA member

    From:  Richard Harvey

   Dated:  September 13, 2015

Subject:  Radio Program for Veterans Day

Hi, I am working on a re-creation of AFVN radio which includes original programs with the music un-scoped.  We would like to interview someone who was part of AFVN.  Can you put us in touch with someone or maybe you would like to be interviewed.  I am working with a Vietnam Vet but he doesn't know anyone.

Rich Harvey WRSU - FM Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ

    From:  Jim White

   Dated:  October 11, 2016

 Subject: Contact:  Form Submission

Here is another Contact Form Submission.   Can anyone help Norm learn more about Tuy Hoa?   All I have is at and it isn't a whole lot.  Send me a CC if you write to him.
Jim W

    From:  Jim White

   Dated:  October 11, 2016

 Subject: Contact:  Form Submission

Wonder if any of you can help Christos in any way.

    From:  Johnny Zammer

   Dated:  March 22, 2017

 Subject: Contact:  Form Submission

Hi Jim,

I'm currently researching AFRS/AFVN for my dissertation at the University of Essex in the UK. Due to the limited published work on the topic I may have some questions that you or anyone else on the website may be able to answer to support my work, I hope this is okay.  I also want to ensure that my work is as accurate as possible, which I'm sure you can all appreciate!  

Kind regards,

Jonny Zammer

N.B I came across a thesis you linked which is on AFVN and music, you mentioned that you couldn't find the author or the year it was published. You may have found it already but I found the original with the year and author -​

    From:  Edie Weller

   Dated:  September 7, 2016

 Subject:  Dennis Harper

First picture displayed is Amaryllis Harper however the second shows Dennis with Peggy Harper .

[NB:  There are a number of messages which followed this first contact from Edie.
See her 
Photos and Stories page.  Webmaster]

    From:  Paul W. West

   Dated:  March 22, 2017

 Subject: Contact:  Form Submission

Great webpage, I looked up our site on Google Earth and some of the buildings are still there.

    From:  Christos Papaioannou

   Dated:  October 7, 2016

 Subject:  AFVN Station in Athens, Greece, 1966-1992

Good day,

I'm not sure if this is the right place but i'll give it a try hoping that i'll get the info that i'm looking for.  Was searching for info about an AFR Station that was transmitting here in Athens, Greece from 1966-1992 because as a ham who's interested about all kinds of transmissions i'm interested to make an archive of broadcasting radio stations of the past till today here in Greece and this station was one of them.  I'm especially interested on station's transmitters and antennas something that is hard to discover in 'net's info pages about AFRS Athens because simply there aren't.  Well, saw your webpage and thought to ask about it.  I saw that this is a Nam's vets web place.. BTW my dad was a Korean war vet too and during that war had been wounded fighting with the Greek forces in Korea in a battle at Little Nori hill . Any info about that AFR Station in Athens and especially transmitters and antennas would be appreciated a lot from my end.  If it's something hard for you just ignore my email message no problem.   BTW also this is a very fine business webpage for someone who's interested to learn about the AFVNet 

Thanks and greetings from Athens,Greece

Sincerely , SV1DAF

The following is a selection of the contacts received by the Webmaster.
September 2015 through August 2017

    From:  Paul Jacob

   Dated:  October 21, 2015

Subject: Contact: Form Submission

I am President of, and serve as webmaster for, the 366th Fighter Association. With your approval I would like to add a link to your site from the "Links to our friends and related sites" page of ours. Our URL is: Let me know if you approve. Thank you.

    From:  Billy Williams

   Dated:  December 1, 2015

Subject:  Website

Hi Jim--You are doing a great job with the website and it represents AFVN very well.  The Bruce Blackburn link in the Yahoo listserve message from you to doesn't seem to be working here.  You might check it out from your end.  Also in the messages following Mike Kumm's newspaper article (Pictures & Stories), the last message was not from me but from Dickie. Its text seems to indicate such. Also, there were several more messages after that concerning Dickie's mention of the record library--but maybe that was getting off the track. Anyway, we shook some people up with Bruce Blackburn.  Guess they can't take a joke.  But stiffing the AFVN topkick has its repercussions ;-)  Best wishes for the upcoming holiday season.


    From:  Jim White

   Dated:  September 26, 2015

Subject:  Request for Help

I received the following on September 13th.  My apologies in being so slow in forwarding it.
Does anyone want to help Richard?  If so, contact him at
Jim W

    From:  Jim White

   Dated:  November 11, 2015

Subject:  URL Link

Sorry to be so slow in replying but I was in Tokyo a week, etc.  Please feel free to add a link to  I'll do the same on our site to the 366th but am trying to figure out "where?"  I guess I didn't give much thought to links when I first set up the site.
Best wishes,
Jim W


    From:  Nicole Teusch

   Dated:  September 14, 2016

 Subject: Contact:  Form Submission

Hi Jim,
Thanks so much for your assistance and efforts!! Have a wonderful day.


    From:  Jim White

   Dated:  October 11, 2016

 Subject: Contact:  Form Submission

You don't need my permission to send anything to Bob and I'm sure he would appreciate it very much.
Jim W

    From:  Nancy Smoyer

   Dated:  September 23, 2016

 Subject:  Freedom Hills Films Dustoff Medevacs

Sorry not to get back to you in this.  It got buried.
I was in contact with Evan many years ago but I have no idea how to find him now.  The clips of the guys bring on waves of nostalgia....

    From:  Jim White

   Dated:  September 13, 2016

 Subject:  Freedom Hills Films Dustoff Mechanics

Dear Nicole,
I have no idea as to how to contact Evan Morgan.  In an attempt to help, however, I have forwarded your message to everyone in the AFVN Yahoo Group.  I know that some of them were once in contact with Freedom Hill Films and possibly they will be able to help.
With apologies for being a little slow to reply,
Jim W

    From:  Bob Brown

   Dated:  October 10, 2016

 Subject:  Looking for Audio Files

I have several Vietnam era military vehicles restored (Gama goat, M-37, etc.) with communication equipment in them. When doing displays at events with them I have radio chatter playing on them but would like to find some good AFVN air time to play as well as they are sitting 8-10 hours at a presentation. Looking for something different. Any ideas....

Bob Brown MVPA # 34755 (Sgt. Ret.)

PS if you know of good Vietnam combat radio chatter could you steer me that way too.

    From:  Richard Harvey

   Dated:  September 26, 2015

Subject:  Request for Help

Jim W.,
My e-mail was sent out to the group back on the 16th and I have received responses.   We have made contacts and have scheduled the interviews. Thank you for your help on this.
Once I know what the broadcast times are, I will send that to you.  We have a show called "Veteran's Corner" which airs weekly, and we are planning to do one on AFVN.  We are also planning on airing AFVN recordings which I collected from the Web on the morning on Veteran's day.  This will go out to the Central New Jersey area over WRSU-FM, the Rutgers University station and also over the web over the Station's web stream.
Thanks again for your help.
Best regards.
Rich Harvey WRSU-FM

    From:  Mark J. Koziol

   Dated:  July 27, 2016

 Subject:  AFVN Photos for Exhibit

I am Mark Koziol, curator at the NY State Military Museum.  The Museum is creating a permanent Vietnam War exhibition and we are looking for digital images depicting the AFVN.  Last year we had an AFVN veteran donate his jacket, patches and history of his years with the Armed Forces Vietnam Network so we wish to exhibit these items and tell the story of network.  Email me if you can help locate 2 or 3 images for the exhibition.

[NB:  There are a number of messages which followed this first contact from the NY State Military Museum.
See the
NY State Military Museum and Veterans Research Center page.  Webmaster]

    From:  Jim White

   Dated:  March 23, 2017

 Subject: Contact:  Form Submission

Dear Johnny,

Good Luck with your thesis.  I'll send the first part of your message out to the group so that they may be forewarned.  I wrote an MA thess on The Use of Radio and TVin Japanese Education many years ago and it wasn't easy.  A few years later I started working on a PhD but my attempts at finding a suitable thesis topic fell between two stools (professors).  One believed that "research" meant you are "counting beans" and the other believed that "research" had a much broader meaning which permitted historical perspectives, etc.  I tried for a several years to find something that would make both of them happy and then finally gave up.  

Also thanks for pointing out Christopher C. Sabis' thesis.  I have it posted under "Related to Vietnam / Through the Soldiers' Ears." while the thesis with no author and no title is under "AFVN History / 12-3."   That may seem strange, but I picked up most of the items in the "AFVN History" section from a previous version of this site which had been posted on  After I had done that, I realized, that in a broad sense, everything I might add about AFVN was "history."  After all, the unit was closed down in 1973.  So, for that reason, I devised a new category system (i.e., the headings at the top of each page) so as to give me more freedom in make some of  order out of the whole ball of wax.  


    From:  Doug Jennings

   Dated:  September 29, 2015

Subject: Contact: Form Submission

Jim, Accidentally ran across this video of Det 5 on a US Army site.  Did not see its link on the Video Archives page, or I might have just missed it.  Might be of some interest????

NB:  Added to Audio Archives with a link from Det 5, Quang Tri   Webmaster

    From:  Tuan Nguyen

   Dated:  April 10, 2016

 Subject:  Thanks

Thought that it would be nice to share this with all of you.  It appears that AFVN still has at least one Vietnamese  fan--I'm just not sure where he lives.
My reply will be that most everything we have is available on and that he has already found that site.
Jim W

    From:  Bill Altman

   Dated:  August 16, 2016

 Subject:  My New Email Address

Jim, can you please pass along to bob Morecook and the rest of our afvn community, my new email address  My previous email provider's server carshed and I haven't had e-mail for 12 days, so I'm trying a new provider.  Looking forward to seeing you in Raleigh.

    From:  Frank Rogers

   Dated:  June  21, 2017

 Subject:  Gary Gunderson

​Jim: Gary Gunderson was a Navy Chief Journalist when I knew him at FEN Tokyo.  Gary: I don't know if the Salina's e-address I have is still good.  She and my daughter knew each other.

[​​NB:  I repeated this for the and on Facefook.  Webmaster.]

    From:  Jim White

   Dated:  September 13, 2016

 Subject:  Freedom Hills Films Dustoff Mechanics

I recently received the following message through the Contact page and asking any of you who can help to please do so.  I think that some of you, possibly Nancy Smoyer and/or Holly Watts, were involved with some of Freedom Hills Films work.
Specifically he is looking for a way to contact Evan Morgan.  I have no contact information on him.
Jim W

    From:  Tuan Nguyen

   Dated:  April 10, 2016

 Subject:  Welcome and Memory AFVN

I am a born after 1975, but the old days my parents ever seen AFVN No. 11 & No. 7 station, really good programs, news reports around 4 authentic combat tactics throughout Southern region now get this site,  looking forward to the attention of doctors to help give me some material about AFVN, thanks!

    From:  Jim White

   Dated:  August 16, 2016

 Subject: Contact: Form Submission

Bill Altman asked I forward this to all.  Hope Bill gets his problems squared away.  I'd go crazy with no email for 12 days.  (I already go crazy with the amount of email I get every day.)
Jim W

PS:  I suppose if there was  a "carshed" (a car hit a shed?) it would be "crashed."  I just love typos--particularly my own.