[The following is an amalgamation and  rewrite of information received in four

different messages on August 14 & 15, 2014.  Webmaster]

I did Dawnbuster from August 1970 to mid-January 1971, and credit covers on CH 11, AFVN-TV Saigon when I got off the morning show.  You just list me as production.  I did weekends for the network for a few months before, I started the Dawnbuster.  I was awarded  a  71R20 MOS because of my prior radio experience before joining the Army.  Bob Kohtz was the AFVN Program Director at that time, which you have wrong on his site.  I just called him in San Jose.  He doesn't know how you got that information or how it got wrong....  Kohtz can confirm.  He walked the halls of AFVN, Saigon, doing administrative duties.  I am not even on the the biographical list!!  Please contact me anytime to clear this up.  Heck, its my past!!   Let's please correct.

PS:  I hated production, always did, I am 63 now, did 45 years in radio, from the age 14. P.D., mornings and C. Engineer after getting back to the world...

Phil Davies

On August 15th, Phil also called me through my U.S. Skype-in number (620-708-4191).  We talked about the biographical data which is linked from the AFVN Roster.  He thought that I "ran it" but is actually a macoi.net site run by Mason and Chu Green.   I told him that any corrections  to that site would have to sent to them.  Webmaster

Individual Photo Albums & Stories

Phil Davies  SP5, USA 

Production Director / Dawnbuster, Saigon 1970-71