From:  Robert Lawrence

   Dated:  May 7, 2016

Subject:   Rick, Anothr Great Radio Report

Rick, another great radio report.  I'm not surprised that descendants of Vietnam vets exposed to Agent Orange would suffer such horrendous abnormalities.  Evidence of its impact in Vietnam was on display at that hospital in old Saigon we both reported on after the war.  I will never forget seeing row after row on the shelves of Formaldehyde-filled jars with two headed and otherwise deformed infants.  After I got booted out of Saigon over the censorship issue in January 1970, I spent the next 4.5 months in the central highlands at Kontum and had the opportunity to fly all over that region and spent a lot of time in Pleiku, Tan Cahn, and Dak To.  The defoliation of the jungle I saw didn’t bother me at the time, of course, and I was oblivious to the other consequences of Agent Orange. Back in those days, not a lot of people thought much about the harm chemicals could cause to humans.  Sad to say.  One thing I did wonder about while there was the odd taste and smell of the water in the river I swam in daily at Kontum. Fortunately, my children and grandchildren are healthy thus far.  

Regards, and again, Rick, thanks for sharing your radio report with us.​

New Generations Fear Agent Orange

May 2016

AFVN Group Conversations