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From: David Gale
Date: October 28, 2015
Subject: Changes to the AFVN Website Since October 6, 2015
I recall a bomb going off across the street at what I would guess to be the movie theater in late 68-early 69. I was off duty and watching Bonanza on Sunday night in the lobby of the Annex when it blew.
David Gale
AFVN Group Conversations
I arrived in Vietnam around the middle of January 1970. I was billeted at the Metropole for a week or possibly two before we were moved, due to the censorship controversy, to the MACV Annex near Tan Son Nhut. It was shortly after that move that the Metropole was bombed. That would have made the date of this bombing late January or early February of 1970.
Jerry Nelson, Alternate Webmaster, October 20, 2018
From: Jerry Nelson
Date: December 30, 2015
Subject: Changes to the AFVN Website Since October 6, 2015
It was the Metropole.
From: Jim White
Date: October 29, 2015
Subject: Changes to the AFVN Website Since October 6, 2015
What was the name of the BEQ near the KySon that was bombed either just before or just after you got to Vietnam? When was it?
Jim W
From: Ray Profeta
Date: October 27, 2015
Subject: Changes to the AFVN Website Since October 6, 2015
The story about a terrorist attack near the Ky Son Annex taken from the Chicago Tribune for October 17, 1968. Just FYI, I zoomed in on this story (in print preview) and was able to see the date on the paper it is 1966 not 1968. The only reason I did [this] was I lived in the Ky Son, and did not remember a terrorist attack while living there. Keep up the great work, don't know how you do it. Thanks for all the great info and hard work!
Ray Profeta (SP5)
AFVN Radio, Saigon June 68 - July 69
Bombing of the Metropole in December 1969
See Memo by Jerry Nelson at the bottom of this page regarding the actual date.
October to December 2015